Monday, 24 January 2011

Fitness: Quest for sports bra....

If anyone knows of a good sports bra, PLEASE let me know.

My Shock Absorber is knackered and discontinued. I have already tried another style from them and one from M+S with very poor results.

I just want to do jumping jacks without holding my boobs!!

Fitness: Blue Monday....

Feeling rather miserable today. 2 pounds up from Saturday weigh in, plus got to the post office too late to send off a parcel to QVC. Doesn't sound like much now that I've written it down, but there you go.
The result is that I have been very tempted by junk today but have, so far stuck to my guns even though we went to Tesco and my husband bought a bar of Galaxy - the horror!!!!


Workout: Natalie Cassidy warm up, BD, 8 1/s mins of Davina Body Buff Cardio,don't know why, just wasn't feeling it today so swapped to Natalie Cassidy Sweat section + some of the Punch section for a total of 25 mins of cardio.

-Usual breakfast
- cous cous cucumber mix
- 2 steak, veggie and salad tortillas

That's it, short and sweet is best today, I think!

Hope everyone's had a good day :)

Sunday, 23 January 2011

Fitness: New Year = New Diet.......

So, if anyone out there is actually reading any of this, you may have noticed that I stopped posting about CAD. There is a reason for this: it stopped working so I started eating crap again.
Apparently, such extreme (in my opinion) dieting does not agree with me mentally or physically so once I'd got the Christmas crapfest out of my system I set about researching/remembering what had worked before.

At the end of 2008 I embarked on a basic healthy eating plan that enabled me to lose weight during a month that contains both my birthday and Christmas. There was no magic bullet, just simple healthy meals three times a day with the option to be a little less controlled on weekends or special occasions, combined with regular exercise in the form of DVDs.

That's it.

Unfortunately, I developed a frozen shoulder at the end of January and the result was a fear of working out in case it happened again (trust me, that is a valid fear it is bloody awful pain) and lots of comfort eating.

The year went downhill from there.

Anyway, I had a bit of a wake up call a couple of weeks ago and just thought "I have to change this now" so I did. I had a bit of a blowout last weekend and on Monday I started again.
This is what I have been doing for the past week:

I am re-testing the Body Doctor routine. I used this routine in 2003 and got good results but I was pretty much starving myself at the time so I am interested to see what happens when I eat in a sustainable way.
here is how I used it this week:

MON: Davina Body Buff warm up (10 min), Body Doctor weights routine, Davina Body Buff Cardio + Yoga cool down.

WED:Same warm up, BD(Body Doctor), Davina Body Buff Boxing + cool down.

FRI: Natalie Cassidy Warm Up (10 min), BD, Natalie Cassidy Sweat (15 min) + Punch (15 min), Davina cool down.

I really enjoyed these combinations. BD (as I shall now call it!) requires a 10 minute cardio warm up prior to the weight routine and at least 15 minutes of cardio immediately after it. The book recommends gym cardio machines but I find them deathly boring so I am using my DVDs and I am just as knackered I assure you!

Breakfast: frozen fruit, 2 tbsps Greek yoghurt, 1 tbsp flaked almonds/pumpkin seeds.
This is what I have every day, except Sunday when I have eggs and toast.

-Cous cous made w/ vegetable stock powder, sliced cucumber, 1/2 can butter beans, 1 tbsp cashew nuts.
-Cous cous w/stock, 1/2 avocado, 2 tomatoes, 1/2 can chickpeas.
-Cous cous (plain) 2 tomatoes, 1 can sardines.

The meals with the 1/2 measurements are spread over 2 days and the sardine meal is a once a week thing.

The result? I started the week at 14st 6lbs and as of yesterday I was 14st 3lbs so it is definitely doing something. I've been a bit lax this weekend so I will post the "official" stat tomorrow.

I am really happy with the results so far. There was a huge amount of habit breaking going on and I think I managed pretty well.

If anyone else is in the same boat good luck to us all!! :)
